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The 21 Days of Prayer Book Series does not need to be read in any particular order, although many will start with the first book, 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer. Each book has a unique mission and distinctiveness as you will see from the descriptions below.

21 Days of Prayer
to Discover Your Identity in God

What God Thinks About You Changes Everything

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20 

Wouldn't it be great to start your day honestly knowing and feeling in your heart, mind, and soul that you are the apple of God's eye? That the Creator of the universe is watching over you? And not only that, but He longs to be with you?


Too many people, even well-meaning Christians, think they are too sinful for God to ever love them. They struggle to believe God's Word because they have accepted Satan's lies about their unworthiness and allowed this spiritual darkness to color their world. But the truth is, God gave us His only begotten Son to blot out our sins for His own sake. Not for our sake, but because He loves us so very much that He designed a way for us to experience true fellowship with Him.


In 21 Days of Prayer to Discover Your Identity in God, you will discover God's promises and His great love, so that no matter what you have done, you can receive healing and a fresh beginning. You can be with Him in perfect peace now and throughout eternity, no matter what comes your way.

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21 Days of Prayer
to Overcome Strongholds

The Power of Intercessory Prayer

“the weapons of our warfare are not carnal [made of flesh and bones]

but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds”

2 Corinthians 10:4

No matter who you are or where you live, you are in the middle of a war. Strongholds hinder you from becoming all that God desires for you and the person you truly long to be.


In this war, Satan has specific assignments against us that can become strongholds in our lives—issues involving anger, sex, alcohol, drugs, pornography, food, obsessive thoughts of fear or anxiety, depression, and hatred.


In 21 Days of Prayer to Overcome Strongholds, author Jim Maxim takes you on a journey of intercessory warfare in which you will learn firsthand the truths that dominate the unseen reality of the supernatural world.


God’s truth and the power of intercessory prayer will enable you to wield the spiritual weapons that cast down the strongholds in your life and the lives of your loved ones.


Knowing God—and knowing that He’s at work in you with His power and His plan—will enable you to have victory over demonic strongholds like negative emotions, addictions, compulsiveness, inferiority complex, and anything else that is out of control. All of these can be broken and defeated every time through the power of prayer, just as Jesus taught us.

Free Resources 

Slides · Social Images · Make Your Own


Keep the discussion going. Reading 21 Days of Prayer to Overcome Strongholds with your church or small group? Sign-in to download our inspirational images to reinforce the devotionals throughout the day on your website and social media. There are several slides that can be used leading up to your scheduled reading as well as several presentation screen sides for use on flat-screens or projection screens.


In order to download, you will be required to become a website member. 




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21 Days of Deeper Prayer

"Are you ready for the rivers of Living Water?"

Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, 

‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” 
John 7:38


God wants you to experience Him more fully than ever before!


Jesus told His followers that those who believe in Him will have rivers of living water flowing from the depths of their beings. These rivers come from the presence of the Holy Spirit and are available in prayer!


When we receive Jesus, God's Spirit takes up residence within us to be our Teacher, Guide, Ruler, and Comforter. But have you consistently experienced an intimate relationship with Him, where He moves with awesome power, flowing through you into the lives of the people around you? Would you like to know Him in this way?

God wants you to experience Him more fully than you ever have in your life! What if I told you that if you spend the next twenty-one days reading this little book and joining in interactive prayer, then genuine rivers of the Holy Spirit will burst through your life? Would you do it?

If you are willing, God Himself will shower you with His presence. You will learn how to pray to a heavenly Father who hears and answers you. You will experience moments with Him that will transform you from the inside out and take you to the next level in your Christian walk. God will change you right in front of the people who you know you best. They will clearly see that you have been changed, that you have something you didn’t have before, and they will want what you have. You will know, see, taste, and feel the potency of the Holy Spirit in prayer as you bring others before God.

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Free Resources 

Slides · Social Images · Make Your Own


Keep the discussion going. Reading 21 Days of Deeper Prayer with your church or small group? Sign-in to download our inspirational images to reinforce the devotionals throughout the day on your website and social media. There are several slides that can be used leading up to your scheduled reading as well as several presentation screen sides for use on flat-screens or projection screens.


In order to download, you will be required to become a website member. 





21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer

"This will change the way you think about prayer!"

“Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” 
Matthew 18:19–20

The prayer of agreement is one of the most powerful gifts that God has provided for victory in our Christian lives. He has promised us that He will respond to this time of focused prayer as we seek His face together.

Join Jim and Cathy Maxim and Daniel Henderson for twenty-one days of agreeing prayer, and see how different things can be as believers go to God together to experience a time of intimacy and intercession that will forever change the way we pray, think, and act regarding the gift of prayer. 


These prayer tools, (devotional book and audio prayers), are being used by thousands upon thousands of Christians right now to transform their prayer lives! Entire churches have organized 21 days of group prayer leading up to regional prayer gathering.


Let this be the opportunity for you and your community to unite and take God at His word! 


Sample Reading and Audio Prayer

Free Resources 

Slides · Social Images · Make Your Own


Keep the discussion going. Reading 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer with your church or small group? Sign-in to download our inspirational images to reinforce the devotionals throughout the day on your website and social media. There are several slides that can be used leading up to your scheduled reading as well as several presentation screen sides for use on flat-screens or projection screens.


In order to download, you will be required to become a website member. 




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