We are so glad you are here! Please join us as we pray together!
The authors, Jim Maxim with Daniel Henderson and Cathy Maxim, have felt a special calling in their hearts to bring the body of Christ closer to God through prayer. In his 21 Day series, short devotionals on prayer with daily audio prayers are combined to help guide the reader/listener into a deeper relationship with God through this wonderful gift of prayer.
Tools to Transform Your Prayer Life
These 21 day devotional prayer books have a unique feature. The authors have recorded corresponding prayers that can be listened to on our website. The audio prayers help guide our readers into daily prayer. After you read each chapter, visit this page to listen to the corresponding recorded prayers from the author of that daily chapter.
"We pray earnestly for God’s presence in your life to be so contagious that He will use your new-found passion for prayer to ignite your pastor, your church, your personal life and your loved ones, setting them all on fire for His glory!
Please join us on this 21-day journey as we enter God’s presence together and discover the limitless power of the prayer of agreement - to bring change in our lives for eternity." - Jim Maxim

Dear Church Leader,
Jim Maxim and his co-authors have written four 21 Day Prayer Devotionals as complete tools to assist you and your congregation. As Christians, we know how important prayer is, but all too often it becomes an after-thought or a tag-line to our Christian lives. Knowing how tied-up the week of a pastor and church leader can be, we wanted to provide a simple, yet complete, prayer tool to aid your goal of bringing your community back to meaningful and unified prayer.
Enhance your group's devotional experience!
Large churches to small groups have enjoyed walking through these books and prayers together. Some churches have chosen to culminate the 21 day reading with a prayer event or group prayer meeting! Our website also provides daily social posts and helpful presentation slides for supporting your group readings. This program can be used any time of year, and we have seen many churches kick-off the new year using one of our 21 Day devotionals.
Our prayer and our hope is that you and those whom you invite into this journey with you, will be blessed by these tools. If there is any way we can help you implement this in your church or small group, please reach out to info@acts413.net.

"Nothing can stop prayer except us not doing it and nothing can stop God from answering it." Jim Maxim
This book totally changed how I looked at prayer and helped me to understand the power of prayer even more. I am so grateful to have been introduced to it.”
P Foster - Amazon Review
“Used this as part of 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting for a Bible Study group. Excellent resource with online prayers for each day. Would highly recommend for individuals and groups.”
CB Lew – Amazon Review
“Powerful prayers to start your day. Excellent devotions that are short but powerful and effective. The app is an added benefit and easy to use. Every church needs this. This is a great tool to equip the saints to defeat the enemy.”
L Jones – Amazon Review